Prohibited Items
No Real Weapons Are Allowed at TouhouFest
This includes firearms, knives, curios, relic antique firearms, any form of ammunition, any items designed or manufactured with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury, whether carried openly or concealed, even if any such weapons are inoperable or unusable and irrespective of whether you are licensed to possess such weapons. Items that may otherwise be legal for you to own or carry are not welcome at TouhouFest if they violate this Prop / Replica Weapons Policy.
The following items are not permitted at TouhouFest:
All Metal Weapons
Firearms, Ammunition, Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns, Blowguns, Tasers, Laser Pointers, Laser-Aiming Devices or similar Laser Devices
Explosives, Incendiary Devices, Chemical Weapons, and Pepper Spray / Mace
Knives, Live Blades/Swords (including Katana and other Martial Arts Style Swords), Daggers, Sword Canes, Switchblades, Bali-Song (Butterfly Knife), Axes, Kunai, Ice Skates, and Hatchets
Metal Pole Arms, Wooden/Metal Bats, Paddles, Stilts, Golf Clubs, and Vuvuzelas
Archery and Hunting Bows, Arrows, Nunchucks, Brass Knuckles, and Whips
Any item designed or manufactured with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury to any person or property, any item that is illegal in the State of California, or any item that appears, in TouhouFest’s sole discretion, to be dangerous or which would pose or place others at risk or harm, immediate or otherwise.
(Note: some venues prohibit other items e.g. glass bottles, food, alcohol, and e-cigarettes. Please check with the venue before bringing such items.)